Resort Feasibility Study
Ecosign conducts feasibility studies on behalf of land owners or governments seeking the development potential of a site for the purposes of investment and further detailed planning. Our technical assessment of the site in question provides a baseline analysis for identifying potential ski terrain, base area development and other four-season activities that can create diverse resort experiences. Outcomes from our technical assessments include the potential carrying capacity of a resort both on-mountain and in the base area, as well as a balanced distribution of potential ski terrain. The scope of our work on a feasibility study can include a variation of the following:
- Technical Assessment;
- Capacity Analysis;
- Master Plan Concept;
- Market Study;
- Land Use Planning; and
- Opportunities and Constraints Analysis

Resort Feasibility Study Projects
Other Services
Our comprehensive master plans for mountain resorts encompasses all base area development, on-mountain facilities, and recreational amenities.
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We specialize in the planning and design of on-mountain development including chairlifts and gondolas, ski trails, and on-mountain restaurants.
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Carefully planned pedestrian-oriented, commercial resort villages is on of our areas of expertise; these are critical to the success of a destination mountain resort.
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With an emphasis on diversifying recreation offerings, our designs for mountain resorts and mountain tourism destinations are focused on developing four-season attractions.
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From preparing Olympic bid books to laying out ski trails on the ground, we have been involved in every step of planning Olympic, World Cup and Universiade venues.
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Our work on aerial cable transportation plans fulfills two main categories: sightseeing lifts for the general public to access scenic mountain terrain, and urban aerial people mover lifts to mitigate congestion in urban centres.
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