Bjelasica-Komovi Region Montenegro

2009Services Rendered
In 2009, Ecosign completed a comprehensive Regional Tourism Planning Study for Montenegro’s Mt. Bjelasica and Mt. Komovi Special Purpose Zone. Our assessment identified prime locations for four-season resort development, resulting in detailed master plans for sustainable mountain tourism growth.
Located in the mountainous northeastern corner of Montenegro, 70 km from the capital city of Podgorica (population 170,000), the study area is bordered by one of the major transportation corridors that extend north from Podgorica towards Croatia, Serbia and Kosovo.
The consortium made up of Ecosign, RZUP (Republički zavod za urbanizam i projektovanje) and Horwath Tourism & Leisure Consulting, were retained by Montenegro’s Ministry for Economic Development to complete a spatial plan for the Mt. Bjelasica and Mt. Komovi Special Purpose Zone. Ecosign’s Phase One scope of this three-phase project included a Technical Assessment of the 86,000-hectare study area.
The objective of this study was to identify and assess all potential sites within the area for four-season mountain resort development. Based on the findings of the Technical Assessment, detailed design alternatives were developed for areas with the greatest development potential as part of Phase Two. Phase Three of Ecosign’s scope within the Spatial Plan for the Mt. Bjelasica and Mt. Komovi Special Purpose Zone included a detailed Resort Area Master Plan for all areas with resort and mountain tourism development potential.