Lake Louise Canada

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Lake Louise Ski Area
Alberta, Canada
Services Rendered

Ecosign's innovative design for the Whisky Jack Base Area at Lake Louise Ski Area enhances accessibility and enjoyment within this UNESCO World Heritage Site, integrating beginner terrain, winter recreation, and summer amenities while preserving the stunning alpine scenery and wildlife of the National Park.

The Lake Louise Ski Area (LLSA) is one of four long-standing and internationally recognized downhill ski areas located within Banff and Jasper National Parks. In 1984, the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks were established as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, including internationally renowned protected areas whose wildlife, alpine scenery, rivers, lakes and glaciers attract almost five million visitors annually.

Shortly thereafter, the Government of Canada approved a long range plan for the Lake Louise ski area, including the future development of the Whisky Jack Base Area, which Ecosign designed. 

We were assigned primary planning responsibility for the base area as well as adjacent beginner terrain on Sunny Side, and the lower slopes of the ‘Juniper’ terrain pod. This planning area includes base area parking lots and traffic circulation, day lodges, beginner ski areas, and non-ski winter recreation and play areas as well as additional summer amenities and services in the base area.

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