Peak 1771 Lake Baikal Russia
Ecosign conducted a regional study of the Lake Baikal Special Economic Zone in Siberia, evaluating seven potential tourist sites. We developed a Master Plan for Mount Buchya, including resort centres, a marina village, golf course, and accommodations for 71,500 visitors.
In 2006, Ecosign prepared a regional overview and study of the Lake Baikal Special Economic Zone in eastern Siberia, Russia. We studied an area approximately 30,000 km2 in size in the Republic of Buryatia and Irkutsk Region. Our work included a review of satellite and aerial photography, inspection by helicopter, off-road vehicles, foot and boat.
We identified seven potentially viable four-season tourist destination sites and prepared a Technical Assessment and comparative evaluation of each. A Master Plan concept of the preferred site, Mount Buchya (elevation 1,771 m), included a land use plan for three resort centres, one lake front marina village, one 18-hole championship golf course, and 71,500 short-term accommodation beds. The Master Plan for Peak 1771 can accommodate up to 65,000 skiers per day.