SkiGeilo Norway

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Geilo valley from hill hero
Geilo Fjellandsby, AS
Buskerud, Norway
Services Rendered

Ecosign has contributed to SkiGeilo’s growth as one of Norway’s premier ski resorts. We have prepared comprehensive Master Plans that integrate commercial logistics, base area concepts, and a sophisticated lift and trail system, enhancing the visitor experience and ensuring sustainable development in this picturesque alpine setting.

Geilo is one of Norway’s best ski resorts; located 3 1/2 hours from Oslo, it is a gateway to some of the country's most popular national parks. The real estate developer, Geilo Fjellandsby AS, is in the process of developing the Kikut mountain area on the east-facing and north-facing slopes of the Geilo Valley. They hired Ecosign to design the Kikut commercial logistics plan, informing the construction of a new commercial and skier services facility in a village style development at Kikut’s base area. 

In 2020, Ecosign was hired by SkiGeilo to prepare a resort Master Plan for two ski areas and five base areas. Ecosign prepared a detailed base area inventory of all overnight accommodation, commercial facilities and parking, analyzing skier visit data to model the activity in each portal of the resort. Informed with this data, Ecosign worked with the SkiGeilo development team to envision a character concept for each base area and prepare a corresponding development concept and lift renovation plan. The master plan for Geilo includes build out of its lift and trail system; the addition of three villages; a people-mover gondola; mountain top restaurant; sophisticated public transportation; and a recreation trail system. 

Ecosign’s long term relationship working with Geilo on various ski area, village and real estate design exercises has played a role in Geilo winning “Norway’s Best Ski Resort” five years in a row since 2019.

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