March 16, 2020
To our valued clients:
As you are all aware, the Covid-19 virus is having an impact on our lives, business operations and the way we interact with one another. With this in mind, we continue to monitor and assess the updates provided by the Government of Canada and Public Health. This information guides our approach and helps ensure we take the steps that best protect our staff and clients, reduce risk and ensure we continue to service our clients’ needs.
At Ecosign, we are taking measures to protect our staff, while at the same time continuing to complete work on your planning project. About 50% of our staff will be working from home to limit social interaction and the remainder of our team will work from the office. Those who are working at the office are distributed around the office to maintain social separation. This will allow a portion of our staff to undertake “office” dependent work and support the “work at home” staff. While this operating mode takes more coordination and will take more time to complete essential tasks, it allows Ecosign to continue operations and progress on your planning project.
We will make every effort to complete your planning work on a best-efforts basis. We will inform you of any changes that may need to be made to the schedule of your project. Site inspections by Ecosign staff have been postponed until the situation changes and travel bans are lifted. Until that time, we will rely on site inspections that have already been completed, or on the use of mapping, photos and other information. We propose to make presentations of completed work by teleconference or video conference and will send completed reports and maps by courier. If you wish, we can also schedule teleconferences to update you on the progress of your project.
If you have any questions or require more information, please contact Ryley Thiessen. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Yours truly,
Ryley Thiessen
Ecosign Resort Planners (2016) Ltd.