Sheregesh Russia

Ecosign developed a comprehensive Ski Area Master Plan for Sheregesh, Siberia's premier ski resort, proposing renovations and expansions. Key features included upgrading lifts, enhancing base area facilities, and adding 3,000 new beds, significantly boosting skier capacity and the overall guest experience.
Sheregesh, located in the Tashtagol District of Kemerovo Oblast, is Siberia’s most developed winter resort and one of the largest ski resorts in the Russian Federation. The ski area is located on the south and east sides of Mount Zelyonaya and has three distinct base areas. The Sheregesh Resort base area includes day skier parking, a small commercial pedestrian street, restaurants, shops, night clubs and several hotels ranging in quality from two-star to four-star.
Ecosign recently prepared a Ski Area Master Plan for Sheregesh that includes a renovation plan for the existing ski area and a proposed expansion into undeveloped terrain north of the existing ski area. The renovation plan recommends removing eight redundant lifts and four antiquated low-capacity lifts with high-speed lift systems, increasing the resort’s skier carrier capacity by 44%. In the existing Sheregesh base area, a people mover gondola and intercept parking lot were proposed to increase base capacity, alleviate traffic congestion in the existing village zone, and improve the arrival experience for day skiers.
With almost no opportunity to expand the existing base area facilities, a new 3,000-bed development and base area were proposed to the north. The extensive expansion to ski area facilities would add eight lifts, 800 meters of vertical and an additional 8,000 skier carrier capacity, bringing Sheregesh’s total skier capacity at build out to 19,260 skiers at one time.